ImageOn 25 June 2004 the German regulatory authority, RegTP published the results of their decision regarding Line Sharing access and cancellation fees. The complete decision document has now become available (and can be obtained from the RegTP in a blacked-out confidential version). One interesting tidbit catches the eye.

With regard to the cancellation fees for Line Sharing, the RegTP remarks that there is no differentiation with regard to these cancellation fees. The regulator finds that a differentiation in the structure of the cancellation fees (such differentiation is available, e.g for cancellation fees for unbundled local loops) would make sense.

Even though such a differentiation is not foreseen contractually by DTAG, the regulatory authority advises companies who enter into new Line Sharing agreements with DTAG to request a differentiation of the cancellation fees, similar to what is available for unbundled local loops.