T-REGS is a specialist consultancy, providing independent regulatory expertise in the fields of electronic communications (telecommunications), Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity and artificial intelligence
We are active in all EU member states, elsewhere in Europe and we interact regularly with the European Commission, European Parliament, Council (Member State Delegations), BEREC, and National Regulatory Authorities and other Competent Authorities
We are known for our “hands-on” approach to policy, law, regulation and compliance, and for our ability to deal with multi-country regulatory issues in real-time.
Our focus is on delivering practical results
T-REGS provides services to:
Companies: network operators, service providers (including CPaaS, IoT), equipment, hardware and software providers, whose business is characterised by major sector-specific regulatory considerations
Trade associations representing the interests of participants in the electronic communications sector, cybersecurity and developing or utilising artificial intelligence (AI)
Law firms and management consulting firms requiring expert contributions and opinions, for instance as part of legal and regulatory proceedings
Governments and regulatory authorities, developing new policies, legislation and regulations, or seeking independent assessment or review of (draft) texts
T-REGS bv was founded by Yves Blondeel and Alexa Veller in February 1995. It is a limited liability company under Belgian law, located at: